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Learn from the past

Long time no update. Yeah, as the title said, everything seems too good to be true. But that's what's going on! Everything seems going good.. til now.

I have Excellent Class, I enjoy everything with them, and I enjoy my life with them.
I'm getting better on Photoshop, and now I can make basic make up about Halloween.
I was falling down, made a big hole marks on my knee now (and the colour is black, yuck).
One day, I haven't sleep all day to know more about web design, and it turns out that I'm getting sick.
I'm still not the best in my class.
I have cough for several weeks (til now).
I didn't win the UC boardgames competition (semifinal).
and I lost the Blackberry grandprize for not coming to the event.

Maybe you will think, agree that my life is good at the top parts. But why I still think that my life is good when I got sick, make ugly marks on my knee, and not being the best at class?
What I want to say here, is, be grateful, for what you have not for you don't. I know, this seems too hard. But, you know, when you grateful for what you have, for what have happened to you, everything will seem going good. So your life will be better, and you can live happier. Find the positive side for what have happened, think positively, be grateful. Not all people have the advantages you have now.

Why I said thanks God for falling down and make big ugly marks on my knee?
Because it might be worse than that, I might get an amputation. Thanks God it only left ugly marks, not an amputation!
Why I said thanks God for not sleeping all day?
It turns out that work hard is the great way to achieve success. And it happened to me too, I got the first place!
Why I said thanks God for not being the best in my class?
Because it means that I have to work harder, and even I'm not the best, my marks are still getting better.
Why I said thanks God for having cough?
Because I still can get medicine, not like people in other place that might die because can't get the medicine. So bad, right? Dying because of cough :(
Why I said thanks God for not going through the UC boardgames semifinal competition?
Because I actually was sick, and my teammates actually not in good mood. So thanks, I can still enjoy to play games and I can rest the next day.
Why I said thanks God for losing the Blackberry?
Because if I got that phone, I will waste more and more money! >< So, what the gist today is:

Change your life by changing your thought. Do you want to be happy, do you want to be good? Start it by changing your thought!
Be grateful for everything you have, not for you don't have. Not all people have the advantages you have now.
Be grateful for everything happened to you, because actually it might be worse.

Hope the post today can help out :)

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