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If you want to check out the list of songs, Jukebox is at the top of this page!! :)


I win o?!

hell yeah i win ma chung blog competition! woa, can't believe it somehow. well thanks god, thanks mom, thanks dad, thanks sis! hoahaha xD
oh i win 4 articles from 6.. one become the primus winner, the others become the still winner.. hell yeah, i'm really happy. and now i'm updating at taiwan, exactly at taizhong. oh my trip here really fun o! taking a lot of pics of coz, but sadly some of them deleted because i'm careless.. well yeah at least still there are more pics.. still beautiful la.. haha xD
and yeah after this will go out with my friends again.. to Fengjia yeshi.. oh the food pretty good here.. take some pics of them.. haha xD
later will upload it la.. still too busy here xD
oh and what i like the most: i got some pics of sunset and sunrise! hahaha xD
somehow a bit cool.. and lotsa my frinds here oso like photography.. oh i can learn a lot from them.. and they are master it more than me. what a cool la.. xD
oh i betta go.. lotsa peeps here waiting for the comp too.. well guess will see ya guys later o.. :)

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