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If you want to check out the list of songs, Jukebox is at the top of this page!! :)



Hey ho! I'm totally happy! Why? I got no remedial for the test! It means I can spend my holiday without doubt! xD
and now, sadly, this year I oso can't join SuperTeen o T_T
Because I'm going to go to Taiwan for a study tour. Hope this'll be good enough~
You know what I want to do there? But Comic! I wanna buy 1/2 Prince! Because the raw provider from OSS is moving to US, so that means that no one buy the comic to be scanned.. T_T
So I think I'm going to buy one and scan it, so that the group can start their job ^^
Well, yeah, and now, I'm concerning to join Ma Chung Blog Competition.. Because I didn't join Kejurda, and also Ma Chung Chinese competition, I should win this Blog Competition. But I'm not sure about this. Because actually this is a writing competition, and I'm not sure I can write well. Well, at least I'm doing my best! That's the most important thing, right? ^^

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