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If you want to check out the list of songs, Jukebox is at the top of this page!! :)


Atelier Royale's Line Up!!

Alrite~~ I'm coming back with a topic you guys have familiar with~ (if not, check out my previous post HERE!)
But now I'll just promoting posting about The Butler Cafe - Atelier Royale!

Recently The AR's Butlers have updated their line up on the facebook page, and here they are! Don't forget to:
1. Support their Facebook page. Click HERE!
2. Click on the photos, it will linked directly to their page, and don't forget to like it!
3. Check out here everyday! The line up will be updated each day!!

And now, presenting you.. The AR's Butlers!

This year theme is Wonderland!
The first to come up is.. Hiroshi, as the White Rabbit! He's the head butler this year!
(Click on the pictures to support him!)
The next one is.. Yutaki, as the Mad Hatter!
(Click on the pictures to support him!)
The next one is.. Haru, as Tweedledee!
(Click on the pictures to support him!)
And then, the other twin - Hikaru, as Tweedledum!
(Click on the pictures to support him!)
Next in line is... Yuu, as the Dormouse!
(Click on the pictures to support him!)
And then, we have.. Shou, as the March Hare!
(Click on the pictures to support him!)
Next, let's welcome... Takeshi, as the Cheshire Cat!
(Click on the pictures to support him!)
The last, but not the least.. Ren, as the Knave of Hearts!
(Click on the pictures to support him!)

And so~~ That's all of the members! Don't you feel more and more excited about this?!
I DO!!

Check out the official website HERE!!

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