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Looong Time...

Mood: Happy
Listening to: If You're Not The One
Addicted: Guitar, Facebook, Photoshop, Final Fantasy Tactics, Blogging, HTML code! xD

Hey ho! long time no update.. Sorry ><
Well busy with school.. have lots of homework (shit! ><) and have troubles too (I'm addicted again in Final Fantasy Tactics! I played a lot again.. OMG ><)
Oh and I also addicted with one more thing.. Photoshop! xD I somehow found my life there.. haha
now still learning HTML code at school.. yea very happy can learn a lot~ even though I already know some from blogging haha xP
Well lots of tasks.. and I addicted to facebook too.. why it's so hard to be serious and study huhu T,T
And I still living at my past.. at my holidays.. at my memories.. T,T (wish I can go back to Taiwan, no tasks no school.. haiz ><)
Oh well life must go on, and I have to go too! Wish me luck :$

Oh yeah.. new updates bout my "friend". he was my friend, and I still think that he's my friend, although he doesn't think so. Well it seems that he enjoy his life.. and I think he feel happier, thanks to God. I won't ask him to become my friend again, if he doesn't want to. But it's good knowing him to be happy. And to be honest I also feel happy without him as my classmates again. Bwahahahah xD
Oh well I just hope that he won't make his new friends disappointed as he did to me hehe

Time to study.. tomorrow got physics test omg ><
See ya~ ^^

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