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Jember! Pomse Competition!

At last, at last, at last! my chance is here. this is the first time I'm joining a Tae Kwon Do Competition! And it will be held at Jember, from 5 to 7 February. OHO!!! Can't wait for it! Must do some practice now! And, I'm joining the Pomse Competition.. not the sparring, unfortunately. Well, at least, it's still Tae Kwon Do. Haha. The materies: Tae Geuk 4 until 8 (or 7 maybe?) + Koryo. and, I'm not sure bout the Koryo. Sabam said that it's for Dan 2. OMG. Well, whatever, I'll do my best! Many thanks to the best parents in the world, for allowing me to join this. Love u so much! Muack!

Train HARD!

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