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NPC and NLC..

Oh well, a bit late post.. And it's still about computer competition.. xD
So, ITS also have computer competition.. I think the program is called Schematics 2009. Here at Schematics 2009, there are NPC (National Programming Competition), NLC (National Logic Competition), and there's still other two (I forget, though..). So, here I am again, representating my school with my friends to NPC and also NLC. There are two teams that going to NPC (each team has 2 members), Yoza with Yoseph and Evelyn with Kevin. Then, Patty, Edwin, and I were going for NLC. ^^
Well, all of the teams were passed the first round, and we're going to Surabaya at November 15th to the final (for NPC), and for NLC there are still 2 more rounds before final. Oh well, let's burn our spirit guys, and let's win this competition!!!!

Keep on Spirit!!!

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