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Confused. Dilema. I don't know what should I do. Well, this is what make me so confused..

You know, I was chosen to be one of OSP Computer participant. Well, I could get through OSK last month (I got 4th place), so I could join this OSP. Actually, they just take only 3 participants (rank 1-3). But still, there's a chance for me, because my teacher said that Diknas can change the letter, and they maybe take 5 participants. So, now I still waiting and waiting. That's my first problem.

Second problem, is about Super-Teen Holiday Camp (STHC). Well, I want to be a resource. That's it. But the camp started on June, while the OSP also started on June. Now, can you imagine my problem? I want two things at the same time. But I can't get them. Sigh.

Well, anything happened, I should not take this so serious. Now, go back to exam.. waaa.. Still Computer, Physics, Geography, and Math. Ciayoo!!!

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