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The Last Battle


Wew.. At last.. The Defile is over! Yeah..!! Well, let me tell you what've I done today at my class - XC. Hehe :)

Today, I woke up at 8 (wow!) and then took a bath, had breakfast, rushed in to the car, and then left for school. I was so scared that I was late, because yesterday Ricard said that all of us must be at school at 8.30. And at that time it was 8.50! I ran to my class, and guess what! There were 8 students only! The left still joined misa. Wew.. And then, not for a minute, I found something to do. Drawing my friends' hands. Hehe. That was fun! On their cheek, Lydia and Janno drew "X" and "C" which symbolizes our class. Later on Tria also helped them. And then, for their hands, Lydia and I drew "5" and "5" which means 55 years of Kosayu. For the words XC we used red, and for 55 we used blue.

And then, about 9.20, the misa is over. My friends who have joined the misa ran to the class, and I found myself busy again. Hehe. But of course, that was really fun. After that, Yola came and brought our costume. Well, not a real costume, just a handkerchief that made from batik. We were wearing it and prepared ourself to get ready. And then, some of us were asking for some instructions that they were not clear, and Ricard as our captain helped them, explained it outside the class and did the instructions, so that we could understand better. After we got clear, some of us went in to the class, sitting and singing. Well, that was a good try to make ourself don't get nervous.

After a long time, our turn was coming. We were prepared our mental and went to Maket Room. On the way to Maket Room, there were some students who mocked us because of our draw on the cheek. But we didn't consider them and keep going on. We got the 5th turn, and the start was in front of Girl's Canteen. But actually the judge have scoring us since we left the Maket Room.

And then, the Defile began. Actually, we could do a good job, but the nervous feeling made us couldn't do it. Yeah, there were a lot of people there, watched us, and laughed. Some of them also made some noise that made us not comfortable. That's why we couldn't do it. Maybe we were not prepared our mental strongly. But, we could do our formation 55-XC better! That was really good! And then, after we get the formation, Ricard commanded us to salute the judge and the audience. After that, he said like this, "We're from XC, and we want to say Happy Birthday 55th to Kosayu." Yeah, something like that. Then, we're left the field, walk little bit, saluted to Ricard, and that was over!

After that, we took some photos together in front of the Saint Joseph statue and hold back to the class to have lunch! Before that, Stefanie, Lydia, Marga, Audy, Andre, and some friends from SMPK Kosayu 1 (Saint Jospeh Junior High School 1) said hello to our teachers at SMP. I saw Mam Tyas (my English teacher), Mr. Sergius (my headmaster and History teacher), Mr. Wahyu (my Economics teacher and Java language teacher), and Mr. Tatak (Well, he never taught me any lessons, but he taught me for singing when I was on the 8th grade). Actually there were more, but I didn't find others.. T.T And then, I hold back to class, took some photos of them, and got lunch together. After lunch, we're taking some photos again.. Hehe :) And then, back to home..

Oh yeah, we also had very very sad news today.. Our friend's mother - Sugi - passed away.. T.T Sugi, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope and I pray for you and your family, hope you'll keep on spirit and GBU always.

So, that was our adventure today! Very long, huh? But of course, there were many happy, beautiful, sad, funny, and incredible moments inside our class. And our adventure won't over here! Stay tuned on Anime Lovers! Hehe :P

_-Keep On Spirit!-_

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